Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2015: Year Of The Sheep

The Year Of The Sheep begins February 18, 2015. After a fast paced, no holds barred, Year Of The Horse; the sheep brings a sense of calm and a more "Zen" pace to 2015. The horse was about DOING, while sheep is about CONTEMPLATING. This is a perfect year to start up that meditation practice you've been meaning to begin. 

Sheep are agile and expert mountain climbers. In 2015 we will have a sense of being grounded and sure footed in the direction we choose to go. Sheep literally cannot walk backward, and this is symbolic of the forward momentum we will continue to carry through into 2015 as we exit the Year Of The Horse. The difference in the momentum of the sheep is that it is slow and steady as opposed to fast and risky like the horse. 

Sheep correlates to the zodiac sign Cancer; the mother and nurturer. Family and close friends are important. Focusing on these relationships will be fruitful. 

A big theme we see for sheep is creativity! Dig deep and express your creative side. This is the year for art, imagination, dreaming, and cultivating beauty. 

Look forward to a calm and peaceful year full of creativity and beauty shared with family and friends. 


- A sheep figurine
- images that inspire creativity
- photos of family and friends or people you want to strengthen your relationship with
- rose quartz for love, peace and tranquility


Fill a bowl with the old, expired herbal teas in your cupboard. Stir the teas to blend them together. Take the bowl to a place where you can give them back to the earth; a secluded area of your yard, a river or even a compost pile. Hold the bowl between your hands and say:

"Out with the old, In with the new.
Mother Earth, these herbs I offer you.

The Horse brought us lessons and blessings,
laughter and pain.

Let the Sheep bring us peace, love, 
and nothing but gain. 

So be it."

Sprinkle the herbs on the Earth as an offering. 

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