Monday, January 26, 2015

Prosperity Spell

This simple spell will draw prosperity and abundance to you in 2015.


~ Images of your desires
~ Two small gold or yellow candles
~ a lighter or matches
~ Jade gemstone (or any green talisman)
~ Bergamot oil (or essential oil of your choice)

The Spell:

To begin, find a quiet space with a small table to perform the spell. If you have an altar this is ideal. First, place several images that represent prosperity on your table or work space. These images could be of money, destinations you wish to travel to, your dream home, job, car, images of happy couples, families or babies if you are wishing for children. Draw your images or cut them from magazines or print them off of the internet. After arranging your prosperity images, set two gold candles on the altar, one on the right, one on the left. Place your jade gemstone in the center between the candles and set the bergamot oil near the stone.

Dim the lights if you are indoors and sit before your altar in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take several deep cleansing breaths.

After you are in a calm and clear state, open your eyes and light the candle to your left, as you do so say the following:

                       Money, love, and happiness,
                        Beauty in all I see.
                        A world of joy and adventure,
                        Where ecstasy is free.

Next, light the candle to your right and say:
                         This year I see full of magic,
                          I now possess the key.
                          I shall want for nothing,
                          So mote it be.

Now take the bergamot oil or the oil you have selected and anoint the jade gemstone or talisman with several drops. Rub the oil into the stone and then cup it in your hands. Bring the stone to your nose, inhaling the bergamot oil while staring at the images of prosperity you have placed on your altar. Spend as much time as feels good visualizing yourself happy and living your ideal life. When you can feel yourself in a mindset of prosperity, place the stone back on the altar and blow out the candles. 
It is done.

Repeat this spell as often as you like, and re-visit your prosperity images frequently. You may also choose to wear the bergamot oil or carry the jade stone with you as a reminder to be grateful for all the Universe has provided to you and to be an open channel to the prosperity and abundance headed your way.