Astral projection, or astral travel, is when the conscious mind leaves the physical body and has experiences in the astral body or subtle body. This experience is different from dreaming because you are in control of your actions and fully conscious during the experience. The subtle body and the physical body remain attached to one another during astral projection, and many people have described a silver cord tethering the two bodies together, much like an umbilical chord. The subtle body is having experiences in what many people believe to be the spirit realm during astral travel. Some people experience astral travel while falling asleep at night and are able to experience the astral plane with little effort. Others must put in some effort to achieve the same results.
It is necessary to be fully relaxed before attempting to leave the physical body. Lying in bed under a comfortable blanket is ideal and if you must wear clothing, make sure it is comfortable and loose. Drinking a tea of mugwort 30 minutes prior to projection can really help to ease you into the experience. Placing an amethyst crystal near your body will also help facilitate your astral journey.
To begin, focus your mind on your breathing. Become aware of the rise and fall of your breath. Your aim should be to reach the hypnotic (hypnogogic) state just prior to sleeping. As you are nearing the sleep state focus one of your big toes until you can picture it perfectly. Then begin to flex it in your mind, but not physically. Continue doing this until it seems as though your toe is actually flexing. Next mentally flex your foot, then your leg, slowly working your way up your body until you can move all parts with your mind alone. Your physical body, of course, is lying still and not moving. Next you can begin to move your body around the room you are lying in. From this point you can begin to lift off or hover off the ground. This is the point in which many people can look at their physical body across the room. It may take a lot of practice to get to this point. Many people begin to fear they will not be able to return to their body and the fear jolts them back into the physical self. Remember that the soul body or subtle body is connected to the physical body by a silver cord. Eliminating fear is key to astral projection.
Once you master leaving your body and moving around the room you are in, you may want to exit through a window and begin to travel outside. Some people travel to other countries and as far as other worlds while out of body. There are no limits to your adventuring once outside the physical body.
The below video is a tool to help bring you to the proper state for your astral travel. After using the tips above to prepare for your journey use headphones to listen to this video and begin your experience.